Black Sabbath’s drummer Bill Ward is keen for the band to make a new album
The founding drummer has spoken to management about it

Black Sabbath’s founding drummer Bill Ward says he’s been talking to the band’s management about making a new album.
The group officially disbanded in 2017, but he still hopes they will make more music together.
Bill, who left the band in 2012, told Metro: “My biggest contention has been ‘let’s make another album’. Nothing live necessarily, because I’m looking at what I can realistically do.”
“The way I play the drums, it’s becoming tougher as I get older. I haven’t spoken to the guys about it, but I have talked to a couple of people in management about the possibility of making a recording.”
He says he can still record safely for Black Sabbath: “even with Covid around,” due to the set up he has.
“I can lay tracks at my studio in Los Angeles. I’m very open-minded about doing something like that.”
Bill also explained that any past animosity between the band members has now gone: “I talked to Ozzy two nights ago. A lot of things have crossed between us and there’s new boundaries that I’ve had to build, but I don’t think any less of them.”
This isn’t the first time Bill has shown an interest in getting the band back together.
Back in March he told SiriusXM: “I’m not done with the Black Sabbath legacy. I haven’t been done. I was made done, but I’m not done. So, the others might be done, but I’m not.”
It’s a sentiment shared by Ozzy Osbourne, who says he has regrets that Bill wasn’t a part of their farewell tour.
“I didn’t like the fact that Bill Ward wasn’t there, for a start, people put that down to me, but it wasn’t me, honestly. We didn’t have the fucking time to hang around, we had to get going, but I’m sorry it didn’t work out with Bill.”
Last week saw Black Sabbath release a re-issue of their seventh studio album, ‘Technical Ecstasy’.