First ever Rolling Stone UK Awards to take place at London’s Roundhouse
It's time to celebrate the best of UK music, film and television at a world-class event.
By Nick Reilly

Two years after the launch of the UK edition of Rolling Stone, we’re delighted to announce the first ever Rolling Stone UK Awards, in collaboration with Rémy Martin, live at London’s Camden Roundhouse on Thursday 23rd November 2023.
The night will include live music performances (including a headliner) and the induction of 13 very special award winners into the Rolling Stone UK Hall of Fame, all overseen by a host befitting of the occasion.
Several hundred guests will see music’s top talent pick up their awards, but rest assured that Rolling Stone UK’s presence in print and digital forms and across social will mean that those not in the room aren’t at risk of missing out either.

Darren Styles OBE, publisher of Rolling Stone UK, said: “It’s time. In fact, it’s well past time. The UK waited more than 50 years to become part of the Rolling Stone global family, to be one of 18 countries around the world to have a dedicated edition promoting the output of one of the world’s greatest creative hubs. UK music, film and television is world class and indeed world- leading and – now – has a platform from which to celebrate the artists and the art we make here and share with the world.”
He added: “I’m delighted, too, in launching the Rolling Stone UK Awards, to be able to team up with Rémy Martin, part of the Rémy Cointreau house of brands. We have so many shared values – a commitment to authenticity, heritage and quality among them – that it’s hard to imagine a better way to toast our award winners than with the world’s finest cognac.”

Rémy Cointreau UK Managing Director Augustin Depardon said: “Teaming up for excellence is part of our DNA, so it’s incredibly exciting for Rémy Martin to be partnering with Rolling Stone magazine’s inaugural awards in the UK this year. The two iconic brands will unite in their shared passion for music at the centre of celebrations, to honour their heritage, pass on savoir-faire and bring people together to create a night like no other.”
Nominations for the awards will begin to emerge the week commencing 25th September, with the winners unveiled on the evening of 23rd November, celebrated in a special Awards edition of Rolling Stone UK magazine published the following morning.
The event host, and additional partners, will be revealed over the coming weeks.