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Celebrities and guest speakers share the untold secrets of business growth at BizX 2024

BizX 2024 unfolded with grandeur, attracting entrepreneurs and business visionaries nationwide

By Jon Stojan

Frank Bruno and Stephen Mulhern on stage
Frank Bruno and Stephen Mulhern at BizX 2024 (Image: James Vincent, ActionCOACH)

In a rapidly evolving commercial landscape, mastering the quest for growth and innovation has never been more pressing. But it’s not a task business owners need to undergo alone. Sharing wisdom and perspectives is crucial to staying ahead of the competition.

On 19 April, 2024, BizX 2024 unfolded with grandeur, attracting entrepreneurs and business visionaries nationwide. Attendees absorbed wisdom from renowned figures including Deborah Meaden, Brad Sugars, and Jamil Qureshi, who highlighted the profound impact of resilience and authenticity on success. This prestigious two-day event brought thought-provoking discussions, forward-thinking, and candid conversations in equal measure.

Upon their departure from the stage, each speaker was greeted with an interview from Sabrina Stocker, the leading PR specialist and final five candidate on The Apprentice. From Dame Kelly Holmes and Frank Bruno to Donald Miller and Piers Linney, here are all the biggest takeaways from a landmark occasion in Liverpool.

Inspirational insights

This year’s lineup included some of the most pivotal figures across various industries, making it invaluable for those seeking motivation and personal and professional growth strategies.

Deborah Meaden, a sustainability champion renowned for her role on BBC’s Dragons’ Den, delivered a compelling talk sharing her insights on business management, ethical pitching, and the importance of being genuine.

“When I first went on to Dragons’ Den, I got quite a lot of criticism,” Meaden revealed. “I was the only woman. They called me too hard.”

“I’m tough but not hard,” she continued. “But I stuck with it. I showed up as my authentic self, and over time, I have gained a lot of respect from that.”

She emphasised the importance of resilience and self-confidence, stating, “I avoided adapting my behaviour to please others. I wasn’t there to be liked—I was there for my brains in business.”

Deborah Meaden sitting on a yellow couch onstage
Deborah Meaden (Image: James Vincent, ActionCOACH)

Sporting sensations

One experience not announced in advance was a surprise appearance from World Boxing Champion Frank Bruno. The legendary sportsman infused the event with his spirit of perseverance and strength, drawing parallels between the determination required in sports and business.

Dame Kelly Holmes DBE OLY, a double gold medalist Olympian, shared her inspiring journey through sports and personal adversity, underlining the importance of resilience in achieving one’s goals: “I lost the plot; I was that close to making the wrong decision,” she admitted, discussing her mental health struggles.

But her story also conveyed a message of triumph and hope: “To win the gold medals, I stuck to the plan, stayed calm under pressure, and went with everything that I trained for. It was never a dream for me to win a gold medal in 800m; the goal was to win it in 1500m. So once I won the 800m, I wanted to do more!”

Group of people standing onstage at bizX
(Image: James Vincent, ActionCOACH)

Star-studded speakers

The event also featured thought leaders like Brad Sugars, owner of ActionCOACH, and Donald Miller, a best-selling author and marketing expert, who explained the latest customer acquisition and retention strategies.

Piers Linney, the AI expert and former Dragons’ Den investor, provided a futuristic glimpse into the integration of technology and business. On the other hand, performance coach and psychologist Jamil Qureshi offered in-depth insights to help entrepreneurs bolster their mental fortitude.

As BizX 2024 came to a close, participants left enriched with new knowledge and strategies to implement in their ventures. Each expert talk, transformative discussion, and networking opportunity was a foundation for future business success and growth.

In a world where business dynamics constantly evolve, BizX 2024 was a seminal event, empowering today’s entrepreneurs to be the change-makers of tomorrow. With another successful year concluded, the anticipation for BizX 2025 has already begun, promising even more opportunities for innovation and collaboration in the business world.

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