Go behind the scenes of Charli XCX’s Rolling Stone UK digital cover shoot
Watch the BTS video of Charli XCX's Rolling Stone UK cover shoot now
By Nick Reilly

Charli XCX is Rolling Stone UK’s latest digital cover star, and you can now watch the star discuss her inspirations, life and career so far in an exclusive BTS video.
In the clip, shot at Charli’s London cover shoot, the star opens up on her burgeoning status as a pop icon, describing it as “very turbulent”.
“The highs are high, the lows are low and the iconic-ness has to stay at such a high level that sometimes you can get really exhausted from being so, so iconic,” she says in the clip.
She adds: “But generally I’d recommend it to anyone who is, sort of searching for a new vibe in their life.”
Ahead of releasing new album ‘Crash’ later this month, Charli also discusses the pressures of heading out on the road.
“Touring is like its own little world that you create. You, your team, your dancers and musicians. It becomes a family. I actually watched ‘Truth Or Dare’, the Madonna documentary, the other week. That’s like the best tour documentary ever, so that got me really excited to be a diva on the road in the best way.”
It comes after Charli’s RS Digital cover saw her discussing the pitfalls of social media.
“The second you see something negative written about yourself, I feel like it’s like survival of the fittest to focus in on that and try to protect yourself from the threat, the negative potential danger, in a really animalistic type of way,” she says.
Honestly, you can either get on my level and enjoy the fucking party or you can just not be invited because I don’t really care, do you know what I mean?”