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Jessie Buckley and Bernard Butler share new single ahead of debut album

Album is released 10 June

By Sam Moore

Jessie Buckley and Bernard Butler
Jessie Buckley and Bernard Butler. Credit: Press

Jessie Buckley and Bernard Butler have released a new single together entitled ‘The Eagle and the Dove’.

The release of the single serves as a preview for the duo’s upcoming album, ‘For All Our Days That Tear The Heart’, which will be released on 10 June.

Buckley and Butler commented on the album in a joint statement: “The album should be discovered by the world as if they have tripped across a box of photographs in the back of their closet they didn’t know was there.”

The duo also discussed how their creative partnership came to be: “It all started with a FaceTime call from Butler’s North London kitchen to Buckley’s mountaintop residence in County Kerry, with their friendship growing from an unlikely shared love of Killarney and the small island of Valentia where Butler would go on holiday as a boy. A mutual friend had a feeling they might spark.”

Butler, who used to be a member of Suede, also reflected on watching Buckley perform on late night TV: “I remember clocking just how much character there was in her voice and how freely she expressed it.”

He added: “More than anything, I wanted it to be joyous – properly joyous – because there is such joy in Jessie, there really is. In spite of the darkness and the intensity in these songs, I’m just flying when I listen back to them.”

Buckley, who is better known for her acting work in films such as Wild Rose, The Lost Daughter and Beast also commented on the album:  “Right now, I feel like I’ll never make another album again, because I can’t imagine another album happening the way this one did. It’s amazing that it even happened once. This obscure, organic, odd little thing that just found us.”

The pair are also set to make their live debut on 8 May at Green Note in London.