You really need to hear this AI take on what an Oasis reunion might sound like
Hastings band Breezer created their own tracks and then added an AI version of Liam Gallagher's voice. The results are something quite remarkable.
By Nick Reilly

A new musical project has imagined what Oasis might have sounded like if the band had stayed together and channelled the spirit of their 90s heyday.
The eight-track album, called AISIS (geddit?), is the brainchild of Hastings indie band Breezer and consists of entirely original music created by the group during lockdown in 2021. After creating the tracks, they then enlisted AI technology to replace the group’s original singer with the iconic voice of Liam Gallagher.
To the group’s credit, their original creations effectively channel the group’s Britpop highs, while the voice of AI Gallagher proves an eerily powerful fit.
“AISIS is an alternate reality concept album where the band’s 95-97 line-up continued to write music, or perhaps all got together years later to write a record akin to the first 3 albums, and only now has the master DAT tape from that session surfaced,” they wrote on YouTube.
“We’re bored of waiting for Oasis to reform, so we’ve got an AI modelled Liam Gallagher (inspired by @JekSpek) to step in and help out on some tunes that were written during lockdown 2021 for a short lived, but much loved band called Breezer. It seemed to be a perfect match, and we love how some of these have turned out. We have a 2nd bunch of songs to come if you want to hear more, please let us know in the comments. Note: We’ve thoroughly enjoyed convincing our mates these are actually Oasis lost tunes, and recommend you try the same too.”
While other recent AI creations such as a collab between Drake & The Weeknd have firmly divided music fans, Oasis lovers have delivered an altogether more positive reaction.
“This is utterly, massively and phenomenally amazing on all levels. Bring on Volume 2!,” wrote one.
Another said: “This is honestly mind blowing. It’s like if Liam magically de-aged and reformed Oasis with Noel! I tracked Breezer down on Spotify, and I’m even more impressed with the original vocals! I don’t know if you guys are still active, but boy I really wish I could hear more of your stuff!”
Oasis split up in 2009 after an explosive backstage row erupted between Noel and Liam Gallagher in Paris, but rumours of a potential reunion have persisted ever since.
Most recently, Liam told a fan on Twitter that a reunion “is happening”, although seasoned fans have learnt by this point that it’s wise to take such a proclamation with a healthy pinch of salt. Until then, this AI creation might just be the next best thing.