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Watch footage of The Strokes’ early UK gigs in ‘Meet Me In The Bathroom’ clip

The new documentary chronicles New York City's early-2000s indie rock boom

By Jon Blistein

Documentary chronicles New York City's early-2000s indie rock boom

The Strokes find themselves in the midst of a hurricane of hype in a new clip from the upcoming documentary, Meet Me in the Bathroom.

Inspired by Lizzy Goodman’s 2017 book of the same name, the film chronicles New York City’s early-2000s indie rock boom, of which the Strokes were a central part. Set to the band’s 2001 staple, “Last Nite,” the new clip features an array of footage from the Strokes’ breakthrough moment, with some wild shows and plenty of intriguing archival bits of the band touring the U.K. (where they broke big just a bit before really catching on at home in the U.S.).

All that raucous energy, however, is preceded by a pointed memory from the Moldy Peaches’ Kimya Dawson, who got a front-row seat to the Strokes’ swift rise when the two bands toured the U.K. together. “Julian [Casablancas] was dealing with a lot of nervousness. I was like, ‘How is he scared? He’s so good!’ But he wrote all of the songs, and his nervousness came out of that perfectionism.”

Meet Me in the Bathroom was directed by Dylan Southern and Will Lovelace. Along with the Strokes, the film will use an array of never-before-seen footage to tell the stories of other pivot bands of that era, including the Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Interpol, and LCD Soundsystem. 

Meet Me in the Bathroom will have a limited run in select theaters in New York and Los Angeles, starting Nov. 4, while a one-night-only nationwide screening is scheduled for Nov. 8. The doc will stream on Showtime starting Nov. 25. Full info is available on the film’s website.

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